◇Reason of Sudden Attack◇

Before explosion *BOOMM Sound*°°°°

Kellan's Area (East Coast)

Kellan chest is going up and down continously, He is fuming in anger. Because Before he attack Villager, He asked one of his Guard to spy in Vampire castle and get that Letter which Christa(Emily's Grandmother) left with charlie.

Though Charlie never leave that letter for once, but to Follow Angela in Werewolf World, He forget to take that with him. After kellan got stab from charlie, he came back in his area and then after a few days, he saw his Spy Guard has already brought that letter and one book with him.

He happily snatch that letter from him and started to read, but the letter's inner word gave him a big shock… He scrumble that Piece of Page angrily in his hand. Guard become little uncomfortable seeing this because he almost sacrifice his life in that Castle to get this and Kellan just simply crush it only after few second of reading, So because of curosity he asked…