♡No One Can Harm You♡

Axel was so tried after giving his all energy in shiled to protect Emily, After a birth of Little Princess, When he heard her crying voice. Axel smiled and sighed in relief, but he was definately so tired that he fall down unconsiously.

One thing is supringly strange is that though Axel fainted, but his face has a smile of Full Moon, it clearly shows, Like his unconsious Body is telling that 'LUNA I HAVE DONE MY WORK VERY WELL. I HAVE PROTECT YOU AND MY PRINCESS… AND I AM NOT A SO CALLED PROTECTOR… I AM AXEL, PROTECTOR OF PURLE STONE'

But after Shiled disappeared Vampire started to run toward Them, After giving birth Emily still don't have enough energy to Fight with all, So she push Blaze's Mother away and said…

"Run, Take her away don't let this filthy Vampire catch you or this Baby"

"But I can't leave you alone I…"

"Thats my Order…"