
After Daisy fainted, Axel took her to another Main ward. Jin examine her health and found she is perfectely fine, Her heartbeat, Her energy is all stable. But the question is then why she fainted. They all were staring at her unconcious figure waiting for her to wake up. Jin gave her one injection to come to her sense…

After a minute, Daisy slowly open her eyes, at first she flinch when she saw four pair of eyes staring at her. Jin help her to sit up on bed, Axel quickly push Jin aside and hug her tightely,

Axel: Are you okay Babe? I fucking died inside when you faint.

Daisy *caress Axel face*: Don't worry dear, I am fine.

Angela: Then why did you faint?

Daisy: I… I… Was just suprised, that I started to feel dizzyness and then I faint. *said with a doey eye*

Charlie *chuckle*: You are the first women I have seen who faint because of shock after hearing she is Pregnant.

Daisy *whinny tone*: No really, its my first time so I just panicked and…