
After 3 Months°°°

In Peterberg Company…

Everyone in the Company is busy and hurrying themselves to set up Company clean, clear and in systematic manner, because exactly after 3 months, Today Jack is coming to examine Company's status and management. And other main reason, is that he have to sign a contract with Famous Female Model for next show.

After setting up all thing, Every Co-worker stand in a line in front of Main door to greet Lord. As soon as its 9:00am one Royal Car stopped in front of Company. As usual, Jack never come late not even a minute.

He step out of Car with his dashing Aura, but today instead of coming straight inside, He stand out of the Company's door and eye his whole Building with a spark in his Eyes.

Jack's Pov°°°

I don't know why, but seeing my Company after 3 months, I feel so weird emotional attachment here. Ohh… I can't go inside with my soft gaze. If they see me like this What about my Black Heart Lord Image… I have to control muself...