●Never Celebrated My Birthday●

Peterberg Company°°°°

After Employees went out of room, they all immediately started gossiping about, Alpha's new version, Emily's Power and her control over her Man. While gossiping they all approach toward 1 floor.

But they saw that here too Employees were gossiping about Lordess but here its completly different gossip from other, First floor Employees were praising Emily for her Kindness and Sweetness, where other were Fasinating Emily for her Boldness and her Control over Lord…

Meanwhile In Jack's Office Room°°°

Jack sat on chair while holding Emily's waist who is sitting on table in front of him. She is continously massaging his head and our Alpha is emitting light growl under her touch…

While Massaging Emily Kiss his Head and lean her forehead on his and asked…

"Alpha, Why didn't you said anything about our Wedding"

*Jack hold her both hand* "Babe do we really need Marraige. I mean see we have two Childrens and I have already marked you, So?"