Birthday Party2

Jack Pov°°°°

I'm just little bit late but… Okay I am an hour late but Me and Ben have already step inside the mansion before that Reporters started to ask Emily a list of weird question. They were so fast in asking question that My Luna didn't got any chance to answer them.

I can feel, my Luna is uncomfortable by it and I can even see she is clenching her fist because of anger ohh god!!! I hope she don't relesae her Luna Power on this humans. I have to stop her…

As I started to take my step toward her but then *bang* *bang* *bang* My Guards are too fast. They can't see there Luna's Head down and already took reporter down. I saw My Luna approach toward My Royal thorne and Sat on it…

I swear, She Look God damn Sexy right now, Just Like a Queen. MY LUNA QUEEN
