|| dissapointed

✺ Clarissa ✺

"Clarissa open the door, what are you doing inside?!" Mom was banging the door. 

"I am fine mom; I want to be alone for some time, please." I yelled back. 

"Okay. I and your dad are going to a party, we will come back late so eat dinner and sleep." Mom said 


I lay on bed closing my eyes; I need a cold shower to calm me down. 

After taking a long shower I was bit relaxed. 

I wanted to eat something spicy so I went to restaurant which is closer to my house. 

After having spicy noddle’s my mood was calmed. 

Food is all you need to change the mood.

When I was driving back home, I saw Hardin standing along with few guys who were well built by well-built I mean - huge.

I stopped the car few meters away from the place they were standing. Hardin told something for which one of the guys came forward as if he was going to hit him but the other guys moved in front of him suppressing the fight.

What is going on?

Is Hardin mad? Can't he see how huge the person in front of him is?

After few minutes of speaking they got into a car and left.

I got down and started moving in his direction, he was not aware of my presence because his back was facing me. 

"Hardin" I said 

He turned around, for a second I felt he was back to previous fun loving Hardin but again his face changed into serious one.

"You want something?" he asked rubbing his neck 

"What were you speaking to them, who are they?" I was actually scared for him, what if he gets hurt?

"Look, Miss.Clarissa , you don't need to act like you care about me. " he was angry, but why? What did I even do?

"I am not acting Hardin. I actually care" what the hell did I just tell?

"Oh why do you care about me." he asked crossing his hands in front of his chest.

"Because you are my classmate" I tried placating him. 

"Thank you so much miss classmate but I don't need your concern so now." he joined his hand in front of his face." you may leave."

"What's your fucking problem Hardin, why are you acting like this?" my voice was at peak. 

"I am not acting Clarissa, you said you don't like me being around you and that is what I am doing. " he replied with the same tone, people around us were staring at us.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I completely ignored his answer and asked 

"Because now I am irritated around you." he said sternly.

Okay, that hurts.

"Really?" I asked, my voice was almost like whisper.

"Yes" he replied, his Adam apple rolling up and down, he was looking everywhere but not at me.

"Sorry to disturb you" with that I started walking away from him. No actually I started running. My eyes were getting numb.

"Clare" he called again but I didn't turn.

Clare my foot! 

Now he will tell he didn't mean it. Why? Because he pity's me...

I Clarissa am so strong that I don't want any guy to pity me.

Remember even if you beg Hardin I won't speak with you from now on…

From next day, I became Clarissa who doesn't even look at Hardin. 

What does he think of himself? A hero? Well, looks are not the only thing which should matter. 

I was walking on corridor speaking with Vinnie when someone held my elbow. I turn around to see none other than the playboys group. 

Two things I hate in this college are: One without any doubt is Hardin Rhett the asshole. 

Second being the most annoying group of boys who gave themselves the name @Alpha team. 

Well for me they are nothing but garbage team. 

"Better leave my hand before I break it" I jerked my hand away from him grip. 

"Oh acting wild, I love it." Ace - the leader of the garbage team spoke. 

"And from which novel did you steal this line?” I ask making people around us burst into laughter. 

I might look like innocent girl but I’m sure I come nowhere near to that category. 
