|| She is my life.

✺ Hardin ✺

We walked inside the classroom and people of our class were giving us looks cause I and Clare entered the class at the same time.

I was speaking with Oliver when the entire class went silent, that's when I saw Stefan standing in front of Clare.

What's his goddamn problem!

"Clarissa, Can you sit next to me please " he said loudly so that entire class could hear him.

Oh so he is playing this game.. He very well knows that she won't tell him No in front of everyone.

I wanted to slap him hard on his face, Clarissa looked in my direction and smiled before answering him "Yeah okay "

They both sat right in front of my desk.

All the while stefan tried starting conversation with Clare. And everytime she giggled my blood used to boil.

Today was torture to me. Seeing them speaking with so much affection made me more vexed.

I was walking towards parking lot when I saw stefan and Clare speaking, "I will drop you Clarissa " stefan said.