|| Answer to hannah.

✺ Clarissa ✺

I was pissed to another level after listening to Stefan words, I stormed out of the building.

"Clarissa " I could hear Stefan yelling behind me but I didn't stop.

"I said stop " he said holding my elbow and turning me around.

I jerked my hand away from him, "What's your damn problem? " I snapped at him.

"That Hardin is my problem, why the hell did you compare me with him? " he gritted his teeth. "So you came all the way behind me just because I compared Hardin with you " I asked folding my arms in front.

"Yes... It was you who didn't believe me Clarissa...It was because of you we got seperated... Now instead of giving me a chance you are talking about hardin. " He ran fingers through his hair.