|| My beauty.

✺ Hardin ✺

I dropped Hannah at her place after helping her with bruises.

I felt bad for her, she doesn't remember anything about the place nor about the people. I think they drugged her so that she won't remember anything about them.

I walked inside my house to see Oliver watching TV.

"Where is Clare? " I asked as soon as I entered.

He ignored my sentence and asked, "what did he tell you to do? why did he call you ?! " he handed me glass of water.

I told him everything about the incident there.

"What goods?! " he questioned.

"No idea! His men said they will contact me soon when they want my help " I sighed resting my head on arm rest of couch.

I was exhausted.!!

"Oh! I can't believe he got to know about clarissa " Oliver sat on chair thinking about something.

" She is still sleeping? " I asked rubbing back of my neck.

"She surely is sleeping beauty " Oliver joked smirking.

"My beauty " I winked getting up.