|| Strange place.

✺ Clarissa ✺

Like seriously? Why on earth did she hug hardin so tightly??

My blood was boiling but since hardin confessed to me earlier that he doesn't know this girl , I was calm. I believe in hardin's love!

I held her wrist and dragged her towards the couch.

All the while her eyes were fixed on hardin.

Girl forgive him! he is freaking my boyfriend!!!

Unintentionally I pressed the cotton swab on her bruise with pressure.

"Ouch! " she jumped due to pain "Sorry," I lowered my eyes. I could feel hardin gaze on me.

After helping her with bruise , I went inside to get her a dress. Hardin and Oliver were sprawled across the bed.

Now what ? where do we sleep?

I was staring at the ceiling, Can you imagine this? tomorrow Hardin will move out and today we ain't sleeping on the same bed. I am sleeping with Yara.

Yea, the mystery girl name is yara.


"I will pick you this weekend " Hardin caressed my hair, I was holding Hardin tightly.