|| Surprise.

✺ Clarissa ✺

Nowadays my dad is hinting me things which I cannot understand.

He asks me to hang out with stefan. Like seriously?

And worst part of all Stefan is- now a part of Alpha gang or should I say garbage gang... Well, that's his right place in the garbage.

Ace and Stefan don't leave a chance to irritate but all thanks to Oliver and vinnie I somehow don't get into trouble.

Aww I miss hardin so much! When will this two month end!!

Today is Thursday so which means I am going to see hardin tomorrow. Just the thought of meeting him made my lips curled up into a smile.

I walk outside the department building and I can feel someone is watching me. It's not today but ever since hardin has left I feel like someone is watching me a lot...

I shook my head to remove all those unwanted thoughts and started walking again.