|| Her sorrows.

✺ Clarissa ✺

My phone went off and it was vinnie, Is she back from her honeymoon already?

"Clarissa I want you at my place at 5" with that she disconnected the call.

Very nice way to say hi?

After my work, I turned my car towards vinnie home.

I knocked the door twice, as soon as the door opened I was being wrapped with a bone crushing hug.

"Jeez! Do you plan on killing me huh? " I say rolling my eyes.

"Aren't you excited to meet me? " she slaps my arm playfully.

"Pretty aunty " a sweet voice called me, making my lips curl up into a smile.

"Oh you are here too " I said picking her and kissing her cheek.

"And her would be mother is also here " yara said with annoyance dropping in her tone.

"I never asked you though " I shrug walking away.

I played with dahlia for few minutes before vinnie called me to her help in kitchen.

"So what's the reason? why did you summon me here " I asked leaning against the fridge.