|| Her dad truth.

✺ Clarissa ✺

"Ugh! So boring " I threw pillow at Hardin who was sitting on floor watching news.

"Yeah so boring " dahlia pouted playing with Hardin hair.

"You both can go and play your usual game. Hide and seek. suits you "he rolled his eyes increasing the volume of tv.

" We are going for shopping. " I announced getting up and picking dahlia in my arms.

"Take driver, I am not interested " Hardin replied with his eyes fixed on TV.

I snatched the remote from his hand and turned it off.

"Mr.Lazy pants, get ready soon. You are coming with us "

"Daddy is lazy pants " dahlia giggled making faces at Hardin.

Hardin observed her very carefully before letting out a deep breath.

"You are spoiling my daughter " he blinked his eyes standing up.

"Our daughter " I blurted before I could control my tongue.

I cursed under my breath, Like seriously? What was the need for me to speak?

"Yes sweetheart our daughter " he winked laughing.