Mili sits in the doctors office waiting patiently for the doctor to come with the latest results
hello Mr Matthews. greeted doctor Frank as he walks into the office and takes his seats
how is the result? asked Mili
his blood count is returning back to normal, the side effects from his drugs are reducing. he can be discharged today. it's been one month of a hard journey. your boy is a fighter Mr Matthews. said doctor Frank
he is a Matthews after all. we don't give up easily. smiled Mili
you can take your boy home, with love and care I think he will be able to grow up well. always remember to give him his drugs on time, I know he might be out of the woods but don't forget to bring him monthly for checkups, relapse can happen anytime and you have my number you can call me if need be. said doctor Frank
thanks Doc. smiled Mili as he shakes the doctor's hand and walks away. he walks into the room to see Amanda packing and Felix playing with his superman toy