Mili looks at the message in his phone with a photo attachment of Amanda, he recognised the room as Amanda's sitting room. why did she leave the house? asked Mili to himself as he quickly calls oliver but his line was busy. Mili starts his car and drives straight to Amanda's house. getting there he sits in his car trying to think of a way out of this mess when his phone rings
hello Mili can you hear me? asked Oliver
yes, why did you let Amanda leave? asked Mili with a sigh tired of the situation
she said Shadrach is after Mel and ran out before I could stop her. said Oliver
what about Mel? asked Mili
she is fine, Xander is sending down officers to look after her. said Oliver
I think Shadrach has Amanda in her house. said Mili
I will inform Xander to send the police. said Oliver
did she say anything before she left? asked Mili
she said to call her dad. said Oliver
you should call him maybe there is a way he can help. said Mili
what are you going to do now? asked Oliver