Oliver sits in his office going through some files, he can't believe that he is the owner of the company yet he works more than his employees, maybe because he has become too lenient with them.
it's been long I fired anyone, maybe if I fire someone the rest will buckle up. thought Oliver.
sir, here is the document in need of your approval. said Mike as he walks in and place a file in a folder on oliver's desk.
is it for the building of our destroyed factory? asked Oliver
yes sir, the projects cost and contractors involve, everything is in there. said Mike
did you go through it? asked Oliver as he opens the document
yes sir, I drafted most of it myself. said Mike
ok then. said oliver as he signs his signature on the document.
are you not going to read it? asked Mike remembering how Oliver always said a good business man must go through the contents of a document before signing or he might end up selling his company without actually selling it.