Amanda looks at Mili in a well tailored blue suit and custom made shoes. she has to admit that Mili is a one of a kind man

can you tell me where you are a going again? asked Amanda with a smile playing at her lips.

am going to tell a story. said Mili rolling his eyes.

you don't seem too happy about it, I can feel your enthusiasm from here. said Amanda sarcastically.

good. because I don't know how to play this. said Mili

you will do well. said Amanda reassuringly.

I hope so. this isn't just one of my episodes, my sister's life is at stake. said Mili

and that is why you are going to ace this, because you know what is on the line. said Amanda

yeah. replied Mili

am sorry. said Amanda in sadness

what for? asked Mili looking at her.

because I brought Benjamin into your lives. I should have know something was up. said Amanda regretfully