In case you want the list of my novels here are they " Can I still love him.

"Her broken soul" and

" Magdalene the most powerful being of all times"

Give them a try although my first work it's rough, and in my second book I complained too much lol.


"oh, Susannah now, don't you cry for me cause I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee" The village and town folks sang merrily. Dancing , jumping and singing with loud voices, Magdalene was pulled into the dance floor. The steps were Something she was familiar with even if she never attended a bonfire night before. She and Annabelle would pretend to be dancing in a bonfire night as they would sing and dance together.

A small thought of her family flashed inside her and she wondered how they were doing. She didn't even get the chance to attend her grandma funeral.

"You seem to be very familiar with the steps" Said Magnus.

"I and my sister would often practice dancing at home" She said with a smile.