As they approached the church Magdalene could hear the sounds of the bell ringing and faint humming.

" I thought witches, vampires and demons can't step their feet into the church because it is a holy place" Magdalene asked.

"We won't enter through the front door" Sheilw replied and Magdalene didn't ask again.

The carriage entered the church vicinity and parked at a corner. The Coachman opened the door for them and gave them a hand as they got out.

"Come with me" Sheila said. Magdalene trailed behind her and they went to the back of the church. There was a painting on the wall it was that of a saint but Magdalene couldn't remember his name. Luckily the place was fenced so Sheila didn't have to look around cautiously for the fear of anyone. She went towards the painting and said a word under her breath. The paint moved to the other side in a disorganized sound.

"Wow!" Magdalene whispered seeing the dark passage.