Unwanted Guest

Erin arrived in Shanghai at 7AM.

The flight was overnight and the old lady beside her slept most of the way. So Erin felt quite good because she slept for around seven of the eleven hours.

When Erin came out of the airport she spotted a familiar car and Xiang Wu stood smiling and waving at her.

"Welcome home Miss!" he said cheerfully.

Erin laughed, "Did you miss me?"

He nodded his head and took her bags.

Xiang Wu drove Erin home.

She arrived home to find Dad and Lihua having breakfast in the balcony.

"Erin!!" they called. Lihua hugged Erin tightly, "So nice to see you home again!" she said.

"Come join us Erin dear, the weather is beautiful!" said dad happily.

Erin smiled, "Thanks dad, but I think I will unpack and take a rest."

Erin went to her small and crowded room and as much as she loved London, she did feel good being back home.


Daniel Yang's Limousine.

Mr.Daniel Yang rode in the back of his limousine.

"What have you found on Chen Li?"

he asked Fa Shen.