Mr.Chen was cooking a breakfast of rice, egg and sausage.
Erin was pouring them some orange juice when the door bell rang.
Erin went to check and saw the postman leaving some letters, one was a big envelope with the university crest on it. Her heart jumped as she brought the mail in.
She set the letters on the dining table, when dad rushed over.
Dad grabbed a letter from the bank and hid it from Erin.
Erin gave him a strange look.
"Look dad," she said, "It's my test results." she waved the envelope.
"Oh.." said dad relieved and putting his envelope down.
He came close to see the results with Erin.
Erin opened the envelope hesitantly.
It read:
Congratulations Erin Parker-Chen. You have succeeded in earning your Bachelor Degree in Economics from Fudan University, graduating Top of the Class with Honors.
Please attend the Graduation Ceremony to receive your certificate.
You may invite two guests to attend.
She was to graduate as top of her class with Honors!