The van arrived at The Golden Pyramid.
The two huge thugs opened the van and pulled Erin and Xiang Wu inside.
They tumbled down the dark, stairs falling at a man's feet.
Erin struggled to stand up, so Xiang Wu pulled her up.
Mr.Jin, the gangster Boss and owner of The Golden Pyramid stood wearing a pinstripe suit stretched over his fat body.
He laughed hysterically, drying his eyes, "Good job boys!" he praised his puppets.
"Where is my dad?" asked Erin in a feeble voice.
"HA!" spat Mr.Jin, "I'll do the talking!"
He walked over to a table in the sleazy club and sat down.
Erin felt a man's hand on her back pushing her over to the table.
She sat opposite Mr.Jin, while the other two men held Xiang Wu's arms.
"Listen diamond, your father isn't here." said the revolting man. " He is being held somewhere else... See, your father has caused some trouble for me..."
He lit a cigar and bit it with his yellow teeth.
Erin looked at the man disgusted.