I'm Late

Erin woke at six, Daniel was already dressed and getting ready to leave.

"You're leaving?" she asked.

"Yes, sorry... I have to go. I'm late," he kissed her head before putting on his jacket and leaving.

Erin lay in bed a little longer. She thought about the pills that she found and wondered if she should ask Daniel about it.

But... that would mean admitting I went through his things, she thought to herself.

She decided to just forget about it.

On her way out she noticed the office door was closed and locked.



Erin was doing more research on Jiang Hotels on her computer. She found some rumours of Mia Jiang having a boyfriend back in Canada.

After a couple of hours at work Erin started to get bored. The other interns were all in their different departments and she sat in the office alone. Erin tapped her pen on the wooden desk.

She opened the browser on her computer and googled, "Busporipam."