New Hair

At the end of the day Erin was getting ready to leave.

"Ready?" she asked Lily.

"Ready." Lily repeated as she locked her drawers.


The girls rode in Lily's car.

"Salon first or the mall?" asked Lily with her hands on the steering wheel.

"Salon!" Erin said excitedly.


They arrived at a classy, but trendy salon. It was decorated in a feminine, modern style.

A stylist seated Erin, and Lily sat two seats away.

The stylist was an attractive woman in her thirties. She played with Erin's hair, "What would you like?" she asked with a sweet voice.

Erin thought before answering, "I want to look more professional, maybe more mature, but pretty."

The stylist looked at Erin's smart clothes. "What about short? Just above the shoulders... and I'm thinking a light honey brown highlight?"

"Sounds good." Erin said with a hopeful expression.

The stylist got to work, chopping Erin's long hair off.