Daniel poured Fa Shen a drink and pushed it over.
Fa Shen drank the glass in one go and pulled out a paper from his inner suit pocket.
He passed the paper to Daniel.
Daniel's eyes scanned over the document. It was a list of shareholders in Yang Group's recent investments; the name of one investor was repeated throughout all of the deals.
"Han Shi."
Daniel leaned back and sighed.
Fa Shen moved closer, "It seems that Wen Ying has been influencing the votes in the interest of the Han family.
They have purchased multiple shares in their son's name and when I remembered your meeting with them today, it just clicked for me."
"Right." Daniel sighed.
"I guess they want you to marry the daughter, so that any children you have with her will take the company." Fa Shen speculated.
"Why wait for children?" Daniel added, "Her brother would inherit everything even if Jia never concieved."
"Whoa..." Fa Shen said looking depressed.
"What do we do now?" Shen asked looking concerned.