In Your Shoes

4:00 AM,

Daniel turned off the alarm and switched on the lamp on the bedside table.

Erin slept peacefully with her head resting on his chest and her honey brown hair splayed across his shoulder. He smelled the addictive scent of her hair and hugged her tighter.

His flight was in a couple of hours and he had to leave her soon.

Daniel didn't want to part with her, it was different now; he felt like they completed each other.

Sure, she still had a lot to learn when it came to dealing with people and reading their motives, but Daniel felt that so long as she was with him; she would be safe from harm and that she could achieve anything.

I will teach her everything I know, he said to himself.

Daniel rolled her off, with the utmost care trying not to wake her.

"Daniel?" she spoke in a sleepy voice.

"Sleep for another hour," he replied kissing her forehead.

She grasped his muscular arms and pulled him closer, "Don't leave me." she begged.