At Doctor Tang Qiang's office.
Erin lay uncomfortable and out of breath on the bed as Doctor Tang examined her huge, round pale belly.
Doctor Tang studied the screen carefully, "Things are looking quite tight in there...There doesn't seem to be a lot of fluid around baby,"
"What does that mean? Is it bad?" Daniel asked looking worried.
"No, no sir. It's very common in a first pregnancy because the uterus is stretching for the first time." he explained.
Daniel nodded and looked at the screen, "So what can she do?"
Doctor Tang suggested, "Well, she can stay home now if possible, and I advise to get a lot of rest and drink plenty of water."
"Okay," Erin agreed.
The doctor placed his hands on her round stomach and felt around applying light pressure,
"Because things are so cramped in there, the baby is staying in a breech position."
Erin propped herself up slightly and squinted her eyes, "Huh?"
The doctor smiled and clarified,