The Birth

After Mr.Yang left the room , Dr.Tang asked the nurse to bring over a light and allow a better view of what was going on.

Erin lay unconscious as the nurses propped up her legs and sweated profusely.

Dr.Tang held a scalpel knife in his shaky hand and hesitated to make the incision.

"What's wrong?" whispered a nurse.

Dr.Tang's face turned pale, "This is Daniel Yang's wife... wha...what do you think he will do if I cut her?"

The nurses looked at each other with fear in their eyes. One nurse gulped nervously and spoke,

"But doctor... the child is a Yang, we have to get it out before..."

Dr.Tang felt split, should I risk getting sued for ruining Mrs.Yang's body, or do I put the child's life first?

"Wake her up!" he shouted, getting up and grabbing a syringe filled with a strong chemical called oxytocin.

The nurses attached a cannula to her hand and Dr.Tang dispersed the drug into her system.