The Yang Philosophy

Yang Group Tower.

Shanghai, the Financial Capital.

The tall glistening, glass tower stood above the surrounding buildings, clean straight lines, reaching tall into the misty clouds above, and invading your eyes as you scan the skyline.

Not just a piece of architecture, but a symbol of hard work, dedication and power. Commanding respect from all who passed and dared to tilt their head up and view the peak.

The blood would rush to your head if you tried to peer out of a window, and if it was your first time to ride the Yang Group elevator, you would feel your stomach drop with the speed of the ascension, moving up, higher.

Sounds of typing, talking, pens on paper, machines printing and counting money.

It was a world within a world.

Professionalism and honesty were key, and expectations were high. Don't attempt to work at Yang Group if you want an easy ride.

Nothing is for free, success doesn't come easy.

In order to earn your salary, you will have to give and spend.