The mornings were busy in the Yang household.
Daniel would wake first at four, before everyone and get in his daily workout.
Even at forty-three he could still run faster than any twenty year old, and his control of breath and focused determination were something to envy.
His body was slim and athletic, broad shoulders, muscular stomach and arms.
He pushed his hair back and ran faster, looking out at the view of Shanghai as the sun rose in the sky, slowly moving higher and peeking through the mirrored buildings.
"Good morning."
Erin would wake an hour later and help Mrs.Zhu wake the kids.
Mrs.Zhu would get the two boys dressed for school and usually have a fight with Emily on what dress she wished to wear.
"The pink one!" little Emily insisted tugging at the skirt.
"Emily," Erin spoke in a firm voice, "What did we say about shouting?"
"Sorry mommy..."
The family met at the table to have breakfast, and Mrs.Zhu would often join them.