Chapter 1


i did use some adult language!

read on your own risk.



i heard a manly voice calling my name.

i covered my face with the thin blanket and snuggled into the pillow in my hands not wanting to get up.

Suddenly my blanket was pulled making the bright sun light caresses my face.

"GiGi get your lazy ass out of bed!"

My brother four said.

"Four!! its freaking Sunday. Gosh!!"

i replied in pure irritated tone.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed now or i won't take you with me to capital"

I immediately got up at Four's warning remembering the fact that today we are suppose to leave for capital.

i rush to the bathroom while i heard Four giggling.

before that i stopped at the entrance of bathroom and turned

"Breakfast is on you!"

i said and shut the door.

"yah like always you freeloader!"

Four shouted at which GiGi laughed.

this is the day they both are going to Capital where Four will train.

he is beta of Dark knight pack which happens to be the most feared and respected pack after the king.

and Oh the reason they are leaving is four is going to train for the second in command in the war against witches.

and GiGi was going with her brother because she always wanted to go to capital. she heard it's very beautiful.

and also there was no one to take care of GiGi. their parents died when GiGi was born in a war against demons.

"GiGi! we are getting late!"

Four yelled from downstairs

GiGi grabbed her purse and her mom's watch and rushed downstairs.

they both had breakfast and left in the car for capital.

*During the ride*

Four: How does this feel?

Gigi: Exciting. i heard everything in the capital is beautiful.

Four: but you know na that ....

Four tried to warn Gigi but Gigi cut him off in middle

Gigi: i should be careful and not let anyone know about my powers! Yes i know you overprotective dosh bag!

literally it's like a millionth time you telling me that!

Four giggled at his sister being pissed off.

You see Gigi is a werewolf born but she doesn't have a wolf.

somehow her werewolf genes were replaced by supernatural powers of weather controlling and disaster making.

She can control weather depending upon her health and disaster depending upon her mood.

(yes i changed this part a bit. instead of controlling weather with her mood i made it disasters with her mood)

Gig doesn't know how to control her powers and that is the reason it's kept a secret between her and her brother.


if Gigi heart broken then it's a red alarm because her powers run out of control.

you see heart breaks are both part of mood and health. it affect both!

So Four always made sure his sister was save.

After 5 hours of long drive they reached the capital.

Gigi found herself lost in the beauty of the place.

it was more beautiful than anything.

No beautiful can't describe it properly.

it was a heaven on Earth!

pulling up to a huge mansion they both got out and were greeted by a court member.

he excused for the King telling that he was stuck in some meetings and couldn't greet them in person.

Nodding in understanding they were lead to their rooms.

and they were huge!!!

like it could fill a hundred people in it.

Four was told about the training which starts at 5 in morning.

they both were also told about the timings of everything like breakfast.

they both freshen up and went downstairs to kitchen for lunch.