chapter 8

without giving it a single thought Four dashed towards me held my arms and started asking questions which made me believe that he belongs to mental hospital.

"are you okay?

is he making things hard on you!

tell me don't worry if he is king.

i will protect you"

he said and even more shit and made me stand into that position of embarrassment at which i wish that i had the power to be invisible or stop the time.

"Answer me Gigi!!!"

Four said shaking the hell out of me.

Now i had enough.

i understand he has a huge soft spot his little stinky pinky. oh wait did i just called myself stinky pinky.

Ugh Damn you Four and your stupid ass names!

This was a little to much.

I threw daggers at him through my eyes which seemed to have snapped him back to reality of how much he has fucked up!!

"i am giving you 10 seconds to hide your stupid ass before i come and chock you to death with my own Damn hands"

though he was like 4 times bigger and stronger than me. he knew very well that when i am pissed you better stay a good 10 meter away from me or the consequences are beyond your imagination.

He left my arms and started to retreat slowly away from me.



" i started to count and Four started running with his stinky ass like his life depended upon it. sure it does.

"Okay so what is ..." Zayn tried to ask but before that my counting reached to end and so my patience of ripping my brother apart.

without giving a damn about what Zayn had to baffle i started chasing Four.

he was fast but i was faster all thanks to my habbit of daily workouts and a perfectly healthy and sure beautiful body.

"You better run faster than that or your stinky ass will sure be spanked in any minute by me. ohhhh let me warm up my hands" i saud rubbing my hands showing how badly i wanted to teach four a lesson for messing up.

this game of tom and jerry lasted for 5 minutes before tom caught jerry pinned him to the dirty ground filled with dry leaves fallen from trees placing one hand on his neck and other holding his hands.

"Okay okay i am sorry stinky pinky!"

Four said defeated.

i smirked but i wasn't gonna let him go so easily.

he need to learn but also REMEMBER his lesson.

"Say it more formally or i shall..." before i could complete my sentence Zayn and Tris appeared giggling at us.

"Say it!!"i demanded

Four sighed in defeat and said

"I Four Hadid accept my defeat given by Gigi Hadid!"

Gigi lips curled up into a smirk of satisfaction.

she got up and gave Four a hand for support.

Four smiled took the support and got up. they botrh looked at each other and burat out laughing.

After a good session of laughing for about 4 minutes Gigi turned and saw Tris looking at them in enviness

Gigi felt something was wrong

"What's the matter Tris?"

A tear escaped from tris big brown eyes making Gigi frown in confusion.

"Are you guys always like that?"

she asked leavibg me confused.

"What do you mean?"

i asked not knowing what she mean

"You and Four? are you guys always like that?" she asked internally knowing the answer.

i didn't knew what to reply so i just nodded.

she looked at Zayn with broken eyes followed by Zayn doing the same

i felt my heart sink.

i didn't like seeing her hurt but the real question is why was she sad?

"Tris!" i wanted to ask her and even comfort her but before i could she said

" i am sorry i need to go for a run. my Wolf wants to be out!"

and transformed into her wolf.

her Wolf was beautiful and had mat gryey fur and brown eyes.

she started running and we saw her running figure disappeareing into the woods.

Then we heard a her howl.

A howl filled with pain and

A broken heart!!