chapter 10

*Authors note*

Before starting in my previous chapter i asked my readers that if i should change names of my main leads as one of my readers asked.

i left the opinion on my readers and their response was a hard No.

so i am not changing the main leads name.

End of announcement.


riding his wolf for the first time(cause i have rode Four's wolf before)was like cutting through air with a sharp knife.

His wolf was no less fast than speed of light.

somehow the wind seemed to relax my tensed muscles.

before it used to be full of fun and energy but this time....

it's different.

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER(yes like the song)


i never felt like this before.

i always wanted a normal life. wanted to live not hiding in dark scared!!

this experience is something i had a long urged to be.

the urge to be me.

I started taking long deep breaths letting the fresh air take out all the toxic air out of me as well as bad energy.