chapter 28

can this piece of shit really suppress my voice?

seems like yes!

But why the fuck is he doing that?

"Because we are about to get married today and i can't trust your spunky spoiled personality and a scissor sharp tongue with my well maintained personality!"

Zayn replied to my unasked question

Did he really listen he can't all thanks to this damn necklace.

i was about to snap back at him through mind link but my mind replayed the sentence that he just said which made say or more accurately yell "what the fuck did you meant by getting married today?"

"Ughhhh! Damn it Gigi you nearly burst my ear drums!"

Zayn said flinching which made me realize that i said that tooo loud through mind link.

But do i feel bad?


"i should have yelled even louder now tell me what the fuck you meant by getting married today. Just this morning you told me that today was meeting ceremony and now you are saying that we are getting married?"