chapter 57

After Tris was finish eating and burping the TALK begin.

Gigi: So....why did you do something stupid like that?

Tris lowered her gaze as if she was trying to hide her guiltiness of her self done stupidity.

Taking a deep breath telling herself that it's all fine she said " the reason i did something like that was because i have been trying to pester Zayn just wanting him to accept me as his at least half sister?"

Gigi eyed went wide at the word half sister. are they not real siblings.

Noticing the shock through Gigi's eyes Tris sighed saying " it ain't as easy as it looks between us Gigi?" and explained everything of her point of view.

to say that Gigi was surprised was an understatement because she was beyond shocked.

All she could conclude was how one can treat his own sister even if half sister so horribly!

but why does the king don't stop Zayn. it's his TRUE child after all.