chapter 64


So a lot of you were saying that story is getting boring. it started gold but now it's losing it's charm.

You need to understand that the story also has ups and downs.

changing the original plan. i now am gonna revel what you guys have asked.

Yes! Four's condition in next chapters

now before you read. i have already changed the rhythm so Gigi's reaction to Four will also change.

So don't judge me.





Gigi POV

I or more like we both froze at the spots with our brains trying to process what is happening.

My First Kiss!

Gigi thought as sparks squared themselves. (yes mathematical square)

Because i was too lost to even react Zayn took over the situation and deepened the kiss leaving me more shocked than ever.

I honestly expected him to get away and clean his lips with i don't know maybe detergent but here he proved me all wrong.

I was to getting lost in the sweet moment before i virtually slapped myself for being so stupid.