Viranica was being highly happy with her prince she is enjoying the pampering of her brother and lucy too she became precious to everyone again

she talked to sarah and everyone too they were also happy by seeing viranica's normal state again for Aurthur now she is his life line whom he wanna hide from whole world

he is working on a company's issue in his study room viranica went and sat on his lap directly

aurthur asked "what happened to my baby girl" she hugged his neck and said "I love you" he chuckled and mocked her back "remember you're the girl who said you hates me" she pouted her tiny lips and said "you're a bad guy and playboy who'll love you"

he smirked and asked "oh so now I'm a good guy to you" viranica kissed on his cheeks and said "yeah my prince is the best" he said "I'm still the same BDSM guy" she moved back and asked "then show me that side of yours"