years passing kids are growing so fast jai is ten years old now dia is four years old now aadhira is two years old and learning to talk now

aadhya is seven years old now she always be with aadhira and dia these people always makes whole house as zoo

but aadhira is calm kid not like all viranica is worried a lot because of aadhira health but doctor said due to these minor operations aadhira can stay healthy but they need to find a donor as soon as possible

if not untill then they must perform minor operations from time to time though this made viranica and Aurthur worry for a thing they're happy that atleast temporarily they're able to protect their daughter

though aadhira is calm kid sometimes she is naughty like her mother whole family is always filled with laughter and fun

on the other side

in a dark room two kids are standing one is getting continuous whip marks but not even a single tear coming out from his eyes