The military founded Viola's brothel after days of finding but she wasn't around.

Lucas felt disgusted stepping his foot in a brothel. They found out it was an illegal brothel as many women protested on how they were bought and napped. None were there on their own accord.

They freed them all. The guards stopped fighting while they pointed to the stinky cell where disobedient girls and boys were kept .

The soldiers went ahead to release them including Vanessa who was very weak and wretched.

Lucas was furious that she wasn't around. He interrogated the boys and they told him she wasn't coming back for a whole year that she left just the other day.

He didn't lose hope as long as she was alive and breathing he'll find her.

Bobby saw how wounded Vanessa was . He took pity on her and decided to help her.

" Hey, are you okay? He asked helping her up.