Hugh held him trying to stop his wheezing while Audrey joined him elevating his head. She was crying already though Peter told her he'll be fine. She rubbed his chest continuously trying to keep his heart warm while they all watched her in surprise.
They wanted to move him .
" Please don't move him. His room is too far . Do you have herbs. Granny you have right? " She sniffled as granny nodded. She raced to Granny's room instructing Hugh to keep his heart warm till she returns. The allergy wasn't that much but everyone was sad hoping the doctor or Audrey does something about it.
Audrey mixed the herbs and raced back with it. Hugh raised him up and she gave him the concoction. The wheezing reduced.
" We can move him now" she voiced as the four friends carried him inside.
He was laid on the bed sweating profusely. She laid beside him trying to keep his heart warm while they awaited the doctor.