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After hunging up Jordan rushed down stairs and start searching for his mom. He found her in kitchen instructing some thing to maid. He pulled her out to TV lounge where Ray was watching TV. " Now, please tell me what's up with this??" said Mrs. Knight pointing towards his smiling face.

" You know yesterday you asked me what makes me soo happy, but I asked for sometime to confirm it. So, here I have a good news that she agreed for marrying me!!" said Jordan and hugged Mrs. Knight tightly.

" Really?? Are you serious?? " asked Mrs. Knight merrily

" I don't joke about anything related to her." said Jordan with a serious tone.

" Wow!! I am soo happy. Finally we are going to get a new family member." said Mrs. Knight

" Can you both care to explain me what's going on??" said Ray while keeping her both hands on hips.

" The girl after whom your brother was agreed to him" said Mrs. Knight.