// Same Treatment As Daniel //

** Cruelty can give you temporary benefits

But when it comes back to you

You will find yourself as ashes only **

** Previous day at King's Villa **

Watson: Teresa...!!! Teresa....!!!

( She ran downstairs after hearing Watson's voice )

Teresa: Yes Watson...

( Steven came right after but stopped in the stairs a little far away from them....Of course he can't interfere in husband wife issues )

Watson: Have you packed your Stuff???

Teresa: Watson please don't do this to me....I love you....I am mother of you Son....I have always loved you....

Watson: Do you want me to show you how bitch you're???

Teresa: Watson why are you saying this....I have never betrayed you...

Watson: Still lying...

( He throw his cell phone on her face...She saw the pictures of her with a guy in hotel and realized that it was that reporter who told her about Watson and Jennifer affair )

Do you have something to say about this???