Applying For Job

Aden Bruce POV

Harry was discussing about his job and I was not listening to him. I was thinking of her. I should have talked to her. I wanted to find everything about her.

I was thinking about her red face and was imagining her anger for me. Meanwhile he snapped his fingers and I came out of my imagination.

Harry "Looks like you have completely lost Your mind."

Aden "Sorry Man. I was just."

Harry "Yeah Yeah I know. I was asking about your plans for now. Didn't you decide anything?"

Aden "No No I was thinking of applying for job in some companies. I want a short break till then."

Harry " Are you kidding me? What's the need for that? Why aren't you joining Your Dad. You should help him in his business."

Aden " I am not interested. I am happy like this. I don't want success being served in my plate like that. I Want to earn that position by myself."

Harry" I never understand your philosophy. What's the need for that? You are competent enough. You deserve that position."

Aden "Change this topic. I don't wanna discuss this again."

Harry "Did you meet with Xavier?"

Aden "No he wasn't home. He had gone out with his friends. Thankfully won't be back till next week."

Harry "That's good."

We were recalling our college time memories. It was a really good day..I went home in the evening. I went to meet Dad. He was asking about my day and I told him that I met with my girl again.

Dad "Atleast Tell me her full name."

Aden "Not at all. I wanna find out everything about her on my own."

Dad "Let me help you then."

He knew i won't agree so he didn't force. After dinner I went to my room. I was thinking of applying for job in some companies. I was about to open my laptop when Jason entered.

He was teasing me again. But I spent good time with him. He went back to his room infact I threw him out. I wanted to sleep but her beautiful face wasn't allowing me. I decided to search her on social media tomorrow. I slept thinking about that.

The next day I had my breakfast and after giving medicines to Dad I was sitting with him in the living room. I was applying for job interview in a company when Dad asked

Dad "So applying in Grayson Company? "

Aden "Yeah Its really leading group of companies. There policies for employees are so delicate. I like it. "

Dad "The owner of the company is a good friend of mine. I can talk to him."

Aden "Then I am not gonna apply here."

Dad " Okay okay I promise I won't say anything. I won't tell anybody. If they call you for interview it would be really an honour because the CEO of company is really strict. This company always hire very much competitive people."

Aden "That's good Dad. I would be happy if I get chance in this company. But please you won't ask them for it. I wanna do it by myself."

Dad "Okay I won't do it. But you would tell me if you need any help. Please."

Aden "That day won't come."

Dad "Hope so."

I smiled and after applying in some other companies I was tired..I was thinking of searching for her. I went back to my room. I was searching for her on Social accounts but before I found anything my annoying younger brother again interupted.

I was really mad at him but he was asking to go out in the evening with him. Although I didn't want to but I agreed. I had my lunch and in the evening I went out with him.

I called Harry and my other friends too. After having dinner together we went for getting drinks in a bar. I didn't want to drink but they forced me and after sometime I was totally drunk. They were dancing and after sometime I was forcing all of them to come out. No one was able to get up.

It was really difficult for me to take them out. After getting in the car I was about to drive when Harry stopped me. He wasn't much drunk so he was driving. I was arguing with him that he should have let me drive. We were still fighting when our car bumped with another one infront of us.

Aden "Look what have you done! Now go and explain to the driver that you are not drunk."

Harry "Just shut up. You were distracting my mind with your illogical arguments."

He went out and My eyes were closing but I heard a familiar voice. I opened my eyes and was trying to clear my blur vision and I had seen Audrey standing and was arguing with Harry.

I opened my car door and went out.

Audrey "Let me call the police for this. You were drunk. Who is gonna pay for my loss?"

Harry was trying to explain but she wasn't giving him a single moment to explain.

Aden "We will pay for your loss."

As she saw me.

Audrey "Aden Is this you! What are you doing here?"

Aden "Yeah. How are you? Sorry its my fault. I was arguing with him so he wasn't able to concentrate."

Audrey "You are drunk too."

Aden "We will pay for your loss. "

Audrey "Actually its not my car. Its of Mel. You know she already hates you alot."

Aden "Oh that's great. "

Audrey "What do you mean?"

Aden "Where is she? Isn't she with you?"

Audrey "Yeah she is in the car. But don't you go there. She had already been burning with anger because of you since yesterday. What have you done to her? She was much furious."

Aden "Didn't she tell you what happened?"

Audrey "No. She didn't say anything but I just knew that she was annoyed because of you."