Advantage Of her In her Weak moment

Aden Bruce POV

For the first time I looked inside the house. Her living room was a mess. It felt like she had been throwing the stuff to overcome her anger or frustration.

There was a beer bottle too. She had been drinking it too. But it wasn't empty yet. She was drinking it right before I called her. I looked at her and she was closing her eyes and was sleeping peacefully on my Heart.

I smiled and lifted her immediately in my arms. I was looking for her bedroom and I entered in. I placed her on the bed and placed the blanket on her.

I sat down holding her hand. I kissed her hand. I was thanking God for saving me from doing anything. I didn't want to take advantage of her in her weak moments. I wanted her more than anything else but I wanted her love and I wanted her to feel the same for me.

I didn't want her to regret. She had been so bold and brave infront of me till the day I met her in flight. Even I kissed her in the car still she didn't react on that. She had a very great self control and I liked her changed strong character.

I was caressing her hair. And she was saying something in a low pitch. I tried to hear her and she was saying.

Mel "Why did you do this to me? I loved you so much and you betrayed me. I hate you. I hate you Alex."

She slept after a while and I came out of her room after kissing her forehead. As far as i guessed she didn't have a boyfriend then who was this Alex? I decided to find out everything about him.

I wanted to leave but her living room was a mess. I decided to clean it for her. she had already been through a difficult phase. Almost after Half an hour her house was completely clean. I went to the kitchen and was looking for something for her to eat.

I knew she would wake up lately and would be hungry. There was nothing for her dinner so I ordered food for her. After It was delivered I placed it in the kitchen and went out from her house. I wanted to leave but she was Alone at her house.

What if someone entered her house. I decided to stay outside till she gets up. I was in the lawn and was walking and thinking about her when I got call from Mom.

She was asking about dinner and I told her that I would be late. I was talking to her when A car stopped infront of her house. I remembered It was Audrey's car.

I felt releived. She came out of the car and went towards the house. She opened the door and went in the house. Everything looked fine now. I then called the cab and went back home.

Everyone was having dinner and Mom was asking about my plan.

Mom "You were saying that you would have dinner with your friends. "

Aden "I didn't want to Miss this delicious meal by my Mom so I came back."

Jason "Buttering hmmm."

I smiled and sat beside him.

Dad "Where were you? Why did you asked your driver for taking your car from garage? Your car was completely fine wasn't it?"

Aden "woooh Dad. Too many questions. I am hungry now please let me eat something. You can investigate later on."

After having dinner I was sitting in lawn and was lost in my beautiful imaginary house with her. I smiled at my own thoughts of having cute baby girl and before I imagined anything else someone patted on my shoulder.

It was Dad.

Dad "Looks like someone had spent a day very well. "

Aden "Yup. I met her and I found her house. I think she would accept me soon. I am thinking of proposing her."

Dad "This much early?"

Aden "Why? Is there any problem with that?"

Dad "Do you think she would accept you? You have told me that she didn't like you much."

Aden "Yeah but she was really cool today. She didn't fight. I think she won't reject."

He started laughing

Aden "What happened? What's wrong Dad?"

I asked angrily. I was discussing an important thing with him and he was mocking me.

Dad "You have no experience with girls. Oh my boy. Come sit here. Let me tell you something."

I sat near him on the chair.

Dad "The girl sometime even rejects the proposal of a man she calimed loving. And your girl hated you already. I bet she won't accept."

All my morale was down.

Aden "What should I do now? What if she accepts someone else proposal? I can't loose him Dad."

Dad "I am suggesting you to not propose her now. Soften her heart for you firstly."

Dad was right. I was just getting overexcited after meeting her. I wanted her in my life immediately but It needed time. I decided to win her heart firstly and then propose her.

I went back to my room and was looking at my phone screen. I was waiting for her call. She might wanted to thank me. I was waiting and waiting but nothing. I slept placing my phone on my chest.

I got up next morning and my phone was ringing continuously. It must be her. I smiled and looked at the screen but an unknown number was laughing at my expressions.

I picked it up. It was from Grayson company. They called me for the interview in their office within Two hours. Although I was expecting to get Happy by Mel call but This call made me happy too.

I decided to go to the interview and wait for her call till the evening. If she wouldn't call I would go to her house then. But I was really disappointed that she didn't even texted a thank you message. Arrogant girl.