Got Attacked on Beach

Aden Bruce POV

We got ready and went to office. I was happy seeing Xavier in office right on time. It was looking like a normal day. During lunch Xavier was asking me about my decision about marriage

Aden "No I haven't changed my mind. He is coming. I just want you to stay alert. Ask your friends to get rid of him."

He was looking at me curiously

Xavier "Why would they kill him? I was thinking of seeking help of cops."

Aden "No not at all. We don't know much about them. Besides I was asking about jordan and from police records I knew that he was in jail for last one year."

Xavier "What? "

Aden "That's not the shocking part. He was in for the charge of murder of his father."

Xavier "That can't be true. He loved his father so much. He would never have done that."

Aden "Yes you are right so here comes the interesting part. He was sentenced to death but he managed to ran away but the person behind his father death was none other than Alex."