Lina swallowed her sentence and sat up straight when Shao approached the desk.
William Zheng didn't even look at Shao, he just sat back in the chair and continued to watch Lina.
"Uh... This is Mr.Zheng he is Julie Zheng's father," Lina said standing up and introducing them both.
Shao turned to the man with a surprised expression, "Oh pleased to meet you sir."
"Mr.Wen teaches Julie, English Literature," Lina explained.
"Mhmm." William said blankly, glancing at the man.
He stood up and closed his suit jacket, extending a hand to Shao.
Shao laughed nervously at the taller man, and accepted the handshake.
Lina looked between the two with parted lips. It was weird.
No words were said but it was like a conversation was happening.
Shao scratched his stubbled beard and William clenched his sharp jaw.
Lina rubbed her neck and couldn't help but stare at William's smooth shiny hair, falling slightly over his forehead. Her fingers itched to push it back and feel the texture.