Yanlin hugged his sister tightly, "What happened?" he asked looking at her horrified face.
She was shaking and still wearily aware of Yin Jie's close presence.
"We need to get out of here! That freak cop is here and he's obsessed with me!" she spoke nervously.
Yan nodded and looked around, "Where is Amber?" he said scanning the crowd of dancers.
"I can't find her anywhere!" Lina said, visibly sweating.
She dragged Yanlin outside of the club and took out her cellphone.
"What are you doing?" Yanlin asked.
"I'm calling Will, he can send a driver to pick us up.."
Yanlin nodded, "Okay okay, the rich guy? Maybe you can convince him to pay off that cop or something?"
Lina frowned while she put the phone to her ear, "He's not my personal bank Yan!"
Yanlin sighed, "Fine, I am going back in to get Amber."
Lina stood in the cold night street, tapping her heel on the wet concrete pavement.
The phone rang and rang, and she felt her heart pounding faster and faster.