62 Come Out with Me Tonight?

When they arrived back at the room Lina was shocked to find Will in their room.

He threw his cellphone on the bed and yelled,

"Where were you!?"

"Uh.. we went out to get ice-cream," Lina stuttered.

Julie seemed scared by her dad's angry reaction and she ran back out of the room. Lina gasped and ran out to catch her, "Julie come here!"

Will pushed past Lina and grabbed Julie by the arm dragging her back to the room. "Leave me alone!" Julie squealed kicking her legs.

He threw her on the bed and with a frown said, "Don't ever run away from me when I'm talking to you Julie!"

Lina rushed over to stand between them, "I'm sorry Will. It was my idea, we were bored and I thought you'd be back late like the other nights."

"You didn't think to call me? To ask me first?" he said pointing to his chest.

Lina felt her face get red. She looked at Julie and lowered her voice, "Can we not talk in front of her?"