65 I'll be Gentle

Lina gathered her hair with both hands and stood nervously in the center of the room.

He smiled and poured two drinks from the mini-bar.

"Will, I already drank a lot tonight," she complained when he passed her the glass.

He closed the curtains and locked the door, and she swallowed a mouthful of champagne when he entered the bathroom and left her alone for a second.

Lina paced the room. She felt light-headed, so she sat down on the bed. She fanned her face and removed her heels.

She inhaled a sharp breath when his freezing cold hands touched her shoulders.

"Sorry," he said rubbing his hands together and blowing on them.

He had totally undressed now, leaving just his tight boxers. She avoided looking instead she just choose to stare at an imitation Van Gogh painting that hung in the room.